Fr. Scott on Thinking Like God, Not Humans (Sept. 3, 2023)
Sunday, 03 September 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
bible, Catholic, educational, Fr. Scott Borgman, happiness, homily, jesus christ, mary mcmenamin, Our Lady of Fatima Church, Prophet Jeremiah, salvation, scripture, suffering, the cross
Time Travel (Part 12) The Nativity
Wednesday, 30 August 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Bible Study, Cartoons, Shorts - Time Travel video series, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
angels, animation, bible study, birth of Jesus,, catholic teaching catholic, educational, educational christian cartoons, gospel, Incarnation Incarnation, jesus christ, mary mcmenamin, Mary Menachim, messianic times, nativity nativity, religious, salvation, scripture, shepherd
Time Travel (Part 8) Weird Science
Thursday, 01 June 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Shorts - Time Travel video series, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
adventure, animation, artist,, cartoon, educational, enemy, haman, infiltrator, ludwig, mary mcmenamin, mystery, science lab, shooting, shorts, story, studio, time travel
Time Travel (Part 7) Duck Hunt
Tuesday, 30 May 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Shorts - Time Travel video series, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
adventure, animation, artist,, cartoon, conversion, demon, educational, enemy, haman, infiltrator, ludwig, mary mcmenamin, science lab, shooting, shorts, story, studio, time travel
Time Travel (Part 6) Suddenly in a Lab
Wednesday, 24 May 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Shorts - Time Travel video series, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
adventure, animation, artist,, cartoon, conversion, deadline, demon, depression, doctor, educational, healing, history, lesson, mary mcmenamin, miracles, miraculous medal, mystery, NDE, Near Death Experience, nightmare, science lab, shorts, story, studio, time travel