TimeTravel 019 – Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’
Friday, 22 March 2024
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Cartoons, Shorts - Time Travel video series, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
adventure, animation, candlelightpress.org, cartoon, catholic teaching, choice, cruising, educational christian cartoons, elijah, end times, jesus christ, leviathan, Mary Angela McMenamin, Mary Menachim, messianic times, past-present-future, saint paul, Saint Peter, salvation, satan, sci-fi, scripture, theology, time travel, virgin Mary, What Catholics believe
TimeTravel 018 – Fishy Business
Friday, 08 March 2024
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Cartoons, Shorts - Time Travel video series, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
adventure, animation, candlelightpress.org, cartoon, catholic teaching, choice, coffee, cruising, educational christian cartoons, elijah, end times, jesus christ, Mary Angela McMenamin, Mary Menachim, messianic times, past-present-future, Popes, saint paul, Saint Peter, salvation, sci-fi, scripture, second coming, theology, time travel, What Catholics believe
Fr. Sebastian on Talents and Fruitfulness (Nov. 19, 2023)
Sunday, 19 November 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in GO, The Light of Truth
Fr. Antonio – The Lord’s Vineyard (Oct. 8, 2023)
Sunday, 08 October 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats
Oct. 1 – Fr. Kazito on The Obedient One
Sunday, 01 October 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats
Tagged under:
Fr. Kazito, homily, Mary Angela McMenamin, obedience, Our Lady of Fatima Church, righteousness, sermon, the good son
Fr. Sebastian on the Eucharist with Q and A (Sept. 24, 2023)
Friday, 29 September 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in GO, The Light of Truth
Fr. Antonio – Transfiguration (August 6, 2023)
Monday, 07 August 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats
Tagged under:
7 AM Mass, candlelightpress.org, catholic teaching, Fr. Antonio, Fr. Antonio López-Flores, heaven or hell, homily, jesus christ, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, life in Christ, Mary Angela McMenamin, OLF Church, Our Lady of Fatima Church, priorities, salvation, transfiguration, transformation
Dcn. Al – The Pearl Beyond Price (July 30, 2023)
Sunday, 30 July 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats
Tagged under:
7 AM Mass, candlelightpress.org, catholic teaching, Deacon Al Scaduto, fertile soil, heaven or hell, homily, jesus christ, kingdom of God, kingdom of heaven, leaven, life in Christ, Mary Angela McMenamin, OLF Church, Our Lady of Fatima Church, parables, priorities, salvation, the Pearl, worldly riches
Fr. Scott – Weeds, Wheat, Kingdom of God (July 23, 2023)
Sunday, 23 July 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats
Tagged under:
angel, candlelightpress.org, catholic teaching, demons, Evangelize, fertile soil, Fr. Scott Borgman, God's word the seed, heaven or hell, homily, jesus christ, leaven, life in Christ, Mary Angela McMenamin, OLF Church, Our Lady of Fatima Church, Parable of the sower, rocky soil, wheat and tares
July 19, 2023 at 9 PM – What is this?
Wednesday, 19 July 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in GO
Tagged under:
candlelightpress.org, fertile soil, Mary Angela McMenamin, night sky event, sky phenomenon, ufo