Fr. Craig Butters (Mar. 9) – The Primordial Spin-doctor Today – 13 mins
Sunday, 09 March 2025
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats
Tagged under:
2025,, catholic teaching, Christian truth, educational, faith, fear, Fr. Craig Butters, homily, jesus christ, John Freeman, judging others, Larry Orque, love of neighbor, Mary Angela McMenamin, OLF Church, ordinary time, Our Lady of Fatima Church, saints, satan, sermon, sin, temptation, the devil
Fr. Tim Donovan, Living Beatitudes (Jan. 29, 2023)
Friday, 03 February 2023
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Bible Study, Homily Greats, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
afterlife, apologetics, beatitudes,, catholic teaching, Catholicism, Christ Jesus, commandments, Fr. Tim, Fr. Tim Donovan, heaven, holy Catholic Communion, homily, jesus christ, judgment, Our Lady of Fatima Church, prayer, salvation, sermon, sin, sinners, suffering, tradition, tree stump, unquenchable fire
Fr. Tim Donovan, the Winnowing Fan (Dec. 4, 2022)
Monday, 05 December 2022
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Bible Study, Homily Greats, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
afterlife, apologetics, ax,, catholic teaching, Catholicism, Christ Jesus, commandments, Fr. Tim, Fr. Tim Donovan, heaven, homily, jesus christ, judgment, prayer, salvation, sermon, sin, sinners, suffering, tradition, tree stump, unquenchable fire
Fr. Sebastian Walshe on The Repentant Tax Collector and God’s Love (Oct. 30, 2022)
Sunday, 30 October 2022
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Bible Study, Homily Greats, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
apologetics, belief, catholic teaching, Catholicism, Christ Jesus, commandments, Confession, doctrine, faith, Forgiveness, Fr. Sebastian, fr. Sebastian walshe, God's Mercy, God's plan, happiness, homily, prayer, repentance, saint, salvation, sermon, sin, sinners, Tax Collector, tradition, Zecchaeus
Fr. Charles – I pray, but still suffer! Why? (March 13, 2022)
Friday, 18 March 2022
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
catholic teaching, devil, faith, fr. Charles, goodness, homily, jesus christ, lent, pain, prayer, salvation, satan, sickness, sin, suffering, temptation, trust, truth, virtue
Fr. William – Jesus being tempted like us (March 6, 2022)
Sunday, 06 March 2022
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
abstinence, catholic teaching, choice, devil, divinity, faith, fasting, goodness, homily, human nature, jesus christ, lent, salvation, satan, sin, temptation, the will, trinity, trust, truth, vice, virtue
Fr. William – Virtue, Happiness & Lent (Feb. 27, 2022)
Tuesday, 01 March 2022
by Mary McMenamin
- Published in Homily Greats, The Light of Truth
Tagged under:
abstinence, beatitudes, catholic teaching, charity, commandment, faith, fasting, giving, goodness, happiness, homily, jesus christ, joy, lent, life and death, love, salvation, sin, trust, truth, vice, virtue, wealth